M Hersch Pty Ltd

About Tokens: 5 Tokens were made a 2/6~ , 2/~ , 1/~ , 6d and a 3d.

All where made from a White Metal with all tokens having a smooth edge. Hern 276a etc...

Thaba 'Nchu is a town in Free State, South Africa, located 60 km east of Bloemfontein and 17 km east of Botshabelo. The population is largely made up of Tswana and Sotho people. The town was settled in the 1830s and officially established in 1873. The town grew larger following the 1913 Natives' Land Act that stated Thaba 'Nchu as a homeland for Tswana people. It was known among the Voortrekkers as Blesberg

In the apartheid era, it formed part of the area set aside for the bantustan of Bophuthatswana, nominally ruled by the then President Lucas Mangope. It was then a trading centre.
Following the establishment of a hotel and casino by Sun International during that time, it has become a major tourist attraction in the Free State, due to its proximity to Bloemfontein.
Strange enough , someone actually had one of these graded at NGC ...Not high value Tokens , so what's the point ? MS62 ...

Assume this is family - David Hersch - Dedicated Zionist
David Hersch grew up in Thaba ‘Nchu in the Free State and was educated at St Andrew’s in Bloem.
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